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The UK has an amazing diversity of landscapes and habitats and there is no doubt that the best way to see and experience this natural beauty is to explore on foot. But where do you begin?

Our Locations section is designed to give you some suggestions and inspiration for walking adventures from short strolls to walking holidays. Just click an area that appeals in the Navigation bar to the left. The UK has an extensive network of footpaths with public right of way, so it is possible to devise a walk in almost any area. The more recent 'Freedom to Roam' legislation has allowed even greater access to moorland and mountains. You can devise walks to suit you own preferred landscapes from hill walking to valley and riverside walks, coastal walks, woodland walks, lakeside walks, walks exploring historic sites, picturesque villages, following dismantled railway tracks and many more.

How do you find the best and most interesting paths and areas? The simple answer is to purchase a good guidebook written by someone who has researched an area and can pass on that valuable knowledge to you. You can select from nearly 2,000 guide books listed in our bookshop and for a very modest cost give yourself the key to experiencing the best of any area you choose.

Another way to plan good walks is to use an Ordnanace Survey Explorer map. The immense detail on these maps gives a clear picture of the landscape and allows you to plot a route that interests you. Taking an OS Explorer map on your walks also aids in appreciating the structure of the landscape and compliments text written instructions in guidebooks. When walking in open country across moorland, fell and remote areas carrying an OS map and compass are an essential safety requirement. You can purchase OS Explorer maps from our bookshop at a 16% discount on the retail price.


When you buy from Walking Pages your complete satisfaction, peace of mind and security are our main priority. Our on-line bookshop is one of the longest established on the internet. We have been serving walkers on line for over six years and have built our reputation on reliable service. Go to our bookshop by clicking on the 'Books' navigation button or one of the walking guide links throughout the site and you will be transferred to our secure server, confirmed by the golden padlock on your browser. Should you decide to purchase you will be tranferred to HSBC plc. secure e-payments for credit card transactions, giving you absolute confidence in your card security. Full information about our terms of trading is provided at the bookshop.

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