Long Distance Footpaths
The UK is blessed with hundreds of named long distance footpath routes that have been devised and written up by organisations or individuals. Although 'unofficial', many of these recreational paths are created
and maintained by county or local councils and are well planned, maintained
and waymarked. Others owe their existence to the dedicated work of local
ramblers' groups or enterprising individuals and may not be waymarked;
but this does not mean they lack merit. Some of these routes are of
equal, if not superior quality, to the National Trails, but in our opinion
their importance lies in their environmental diversity and their broad
geographical distribution, allowing almost everyone the opportunity
to sample a path in their locality.
The distances vary as much as the
landscapes through which they pass, from under 20km to over 100km. The
routes we have chosen all have their own distinctive character and are
well worth exploring. Some, like the famous Coast to Coast Walk brilliantly
conceived by A.W. Wainwright, are a 'must do' project for any walker.
Others offer a pleasurable day or two's walking if you happen to be in their
locality, but which you may not make a long journey to visit specifically.
You can find out more about any of these paths by clicking on the links below.
Click here for information about the National Trails
Long Distance Path Links
1066 Country Walk
Abbey Trail
Airedale Way
Allerdale Ramble
Angles Way
Anglesey Coast Path
Annandale Way
Arden Way
Arran Coastal Way
Avon Valley Path
Barningham Trail
Beacons Way
Borth Strata Florida
Bronte Way
Calderdale Way
Cambrian Way
Capital ring
Chiltern Way
Cleveland Way NT
Clwydian Way
Coast to Coast Walk
Comedy Way
Conwy Valley Way
Cotswold Canals Walk
Cotswold Way NT
Cross Britain Way
Cross Cotswold Path
Cumbria Way
Daffodil Way
Dales High Way
Dales Way
Danelaw Way
D'Arcy Dalton Way
Darent Valley Path
Derwent Valley Way
Donnington Way
Dorset Jubilee Trail
East Devon Way
Eden Valley Walk
Eden Way
Elham Valley Way
Essex Way
Exe Valley Way
Fife Coastal path
Geopark Way
Gloucestershire Way
Glyndwr's Way NT
Grand Union Canal
Great Glen Way
Great Stones Way
Greensand Way
Gritstone Trail
Gustav Holst Way
Hadrian's Wall Path
Hangers Way
Hardy Way
Heart of England Way
Hertfordshire Way
High Weald Trail
Howgills and Limestone Trail
Icknield Way
Isaac's Tea Trail
Isle of Man Coastal
Itchen Way
John Muir Way
John Musgrave Trail
Kendal Limestone Way
Lady Anne's Way
Lancashire Trail
Lancashire Witches
Lea Valley Walk
Leicestershire Round
Leland Trail
Liberty Trail
Lindsey Loop
Lleyn Peninsula
London Loop
Lyke Wake Walk
Macmillan Way
Macmillan Way West
Mary's Crescent Walk
Mawddach Ardudwy Trail
Medway Valley Walk
Meirionnydd Coast
Monarch's Way
Monnow Valley Walk
Mortimer Trail
Nidderdale Way
North Chiltern Trail
North Cotswold Diamond Way
North Downs Way
Oxfordshire Way
Palladian Way
Pendle Way
Pendle Witches Way
Pennine Journey
Quantock Greenway
Ravenber Way
Reivers Way
Ribble Way
Richmond Way
River Parrett Trail
Riversides Way
Roman Way
Sandstone Trail
St. Cuthbert's Way
St Kenelm's Way
Settle to Carlisle Way
Seven Shires Way
Shakespeare's Way
Shakespeare's Avon Way
Shropshire Way
Six Dales Trail
Staffordshire Way
Stour Valley Walk
Sussex Ouse Valley
Tandridge Border Path
Tarka Trail
Teesdale Way
Tees Link
Three Castles Path
Three Choirs Way
Two Castles Trail
Two Moors Way
Wardens Way
Wat's Dyke Way
Way of the Gull
Welcome Way
West Devon Way
West Sussex Literary
Windrush Way
Wychavon Way
Wye Valley Walk
Wysis Way
Yorkshire Heritage Trail
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